Nice dinner that's gone in an hour? New shoes that last a while? All in the bank for the future?

  1. Depends on the pay raise but I’d just generally go out of my way to grab something nice. My last big title bump allowed me to breath a little bit easy and throw more on my student loans and that was weirdly just nice. 🙁

  2. I increase the amount that I have pulled out for general savings, IRA, and 529s. I treat myself already, so I just farm it out for the future.

  3. I allow a small treat, buy some flowers for myself and do something fun with the Daughter.

    Then I bang the rest into savings.

  4. When I 1st started working in research I got a significant pay raise. Plus it was hourly vs salary. I put all my overtime in the bank.

    Then we got a raise for marketplace analysis. And man that really helped. A good chunk of that went to savings.

    I also did do regular pedicures and manicures. Shopped better skincare and makeup brands.

    I’m glad I put so much in savings. It helped me buy a camper and golfcart. Then has helped me in the past year as I have spent approximately 4 months unemployed. Had a multiple home and camper repairs. Car repairs.

  5. I bought a puppy 💙💙 hes a whippet and 8 months now. He’s the best thing I’ve ever bought.

  6. So nothing , do not change your lifestyle and invest the incremental difference in an index fund , this will help you retire early , if you get a raise the following year , treat yourself but still invest some in the index fund

  7. Maybe buy something nice like a bag or a pair of shoes, cause the ones I use is already worn out, nice dinner, a new book, skincare, new appliance etc. Nothing too fancy.

  8. Half to early mortgage payoff ..1/4 to savings 1/4 to regular checking.

    When I get it I go to a nice dinner out maybe blow 2 or 300

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