I’m the problem

I’ve (42LLF) been married to a great guy (42HLM) for almost 12 years. He is always complimenting me, telling me how beautiful I am, works hard, helps out with the housework, cooks and is a great dad to our only child.

The problem is, I grew up in a household that taught me sex is dirty and taboo. I was a virgin when we married and I know he had been with many women.

The first few years of our marriage, the sex was fairly frequent. I would say once a week or more. I think I was trying to prove to myself that I was beautiful. But after having my first kid seven years ago, I stopped caring. I’ve kind of let myself go a little bit, but my husband still thinks I’m gorgeous.

Right now we’re only having sex about once every three months and it has to be the perfect situation. Our child has to be out of the house. I have to feel relaxed. There needs to be tons of foreplay just to get me relaxed enough to be able to do it.

When we have sex, I orgasm several times. But then right after I dry up. Truth be told I never get that wet to begin with. Although I am turned on. I keep myself in good shape. I exercise regularly. I probably don’t drink enough water, but I don’t know why I can’t get wet.

I know my husband is getting frustrated because he brings up the fact that we don’t have sex very often and I feel like he kind of makes me feel bad about it. I don’t wanna lose them, but at the same time I don’t know if I really even like sex or being intimate.

Right now we’re in marriage counseling and I’m in my own personal counseling which I’ve done for about a year. I’ve been to the doctor and they’ve run all sorts of test and they said everything has come back normal.

I’ve considered maybe taking some supplements if there’s any that worked for you, please let me know.

Thanks for reading. This is my first post to Reddit and I’m fairly new to this platform.

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