My partner gave me two juxtaposing requests and I need some help interpreting them. He said all of these things half-jokingly, but I don’t think he was really joking.

First, he let me know that he thinks I give him too much attention and it’s overwhelming to him. He added that it’s better than not getting enough attention, so he’ll take what he can get.

The next day, he said that he would like me to be more romantic so that he could feel free to be more romantic as well. He said I must be at least a little bit romantic because I do small gestures for him.

I should also add that he says he feels anxious when I don’t text him back quickly enough.

I would very much appreciate some help brainstorming how I could be both more romantic and give him less attention. It’s not so fun to hear that he thinks I give him too much attention – especially because I personally feel it’s equal – but I do understand.

1 comment
  1. You sound like my wife 12 years ago. Two kids later I would love to get the same level of attention. Don’t worry too much about the attention piece – if he wouldn’t have it he would miss something. The romantic piece – well giving attention and being romantic is not necessarily the same. Romantic is to take time for things. May it be joint cooking, cuddling on the couch before the fun, long kisses or candles. If this stuff isnt for you – go his way once in a while. He will appreciate it.

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