1. No response IS a response. (Ignored for days? Ghosted?)

  2. Their words don't mean shit if their actions don't match up.
    (Oh they said they like you? They said they want to hang but they're so swamped with work? They assured you you're the most amazing person they've ever met?)

  3. Are you worrying, wondering or needing to ask if they're interested in you. (They aren't.)

I was privileged enough to get this lovely crash course in modern relationships and dating all from the same guy and oh boy am I glad for it (🙄). It was fucking hurtful and confusing but a lesson well learned.

Some of us have spent so long with the same person and have been out of the game for such a long time that we may have forgotten how others behave in dating. It's hard to understand a person's intentions especially with OLD/texting but these 3 are now my golden rules/ red flags.

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