How can some married men with young kids cheat on their partner? And how do they get these women to sleep with them?

Seriously, why do they do it?

How can they possibly convince any women to have anything with them when you have a family?

I just found out that my husband is cheating on me. I haven’t confronted him yet, I literally just found out a couple of hours ago and he’s working now. He has no idea that I found out about his dirty little secret.

I’m at loss for what to do next, I don’t know where to start.

We’ve been married for a decade and have 4 (FOUR!!!!!!) children under 6 years old.

How could he do this?

And unless he lied to his AP about everything including his name (which I know he didn’t because she did call him by his name in the messages I found and she is someone from his gym, a place that I’ve been to with him many times as I used to be his workout partner every now and then).
I think it’s unlikely that she didn’t know he was married with kids. Also all of his social media accounts have a profile picture of him and the kids and a background picture of me with the kids.

How could she do that?

As a woman I would NEVER be able to get involved with someone in that situation even if I wanted him really bad. It’s just too complicated for me. Plus I would probably not even feel attracted anymore once I found out that he was married with kids.

I’m just trying to understand why this is happening to me, I don’t want to take any thoughtless or precipitated actions or decisions. We have what I believed was a solid and healthy relationship based on honesty, trust, respect and open communication. Our sexual life is fine, we don’t have as much sex as we had before having kids but it’s always amazing when we do (and we do have sex on a frequent basis, it’s not like we have a dead bedroom). The connection is strong and real (at least I thought so – sigh).

There’s so much at stake here, a beautiful family, house, life… so many dreams and goals…. Smh…

I’m so sad! I feel like crying so bad but can’t because I have to care for my kids. And I have no one to turn to as I don’t have any family around and I can’t count on his (they never really liked me because I’m an immigrant*, I have a rocky relationship with my in-laws) I don’t have friends either because I’m always with my kids, life is so busy everyday all day that I couldn’t yet find friends. *I live in the country he was raised and born, very far from where I was born and raised, from my own family and from my old time good friends.

So… why? How?
What do I do? Do I divorce him? I definitely don’t want to be with a cheater but what about my kids? How am I going to be away from them for half of the time and be a single mother of 4 in the other half? How do I reset, restart, rebuild my life? No friends, no family, no real job. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I might lose half of my kid’s lives in such an important, fast and unique phase.

My heart is broken and I can’t think straight.

Please help me understand his mind processing so I can at least have an idea of the reasons that would lead him to jeopardize our relationship and family like this.

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