I have known for 6 years now and for the first year we were really close but after we both got significant others and didn’t talk that much until like 2 years ago. I asked her to go skydiving with me in NY (we live in Virginia) it got canceled and since we had nothing to do we went to them all to hang out. We started to get close but quarantine happened and I had to go to school far away in the fall. After 10 months when I came back from school we gotten really close close. We would text every day, hang out every night and spend so much time together. After 3 months of doing that I fell in love with her which was never my intention as I have always wanted to be her friend that’s it. (we came from very very two different worlds and it would never ever work out. After I fell in love with her I told my friends about and they said I should tell her. The weekend I was gonna tell her she told me she had to go another state to go see her boyfriend which I had no idea about. I was relived and happy because I didn’t want to have feelings for her. So, when she came back I told her how I felt and told her we should never speak again as I don’t to be with you and I want to respect your boyfriend. Fast forward 10 months she see me walking and picks up. And that night I asked her if she wanted to drive across the US with me to go to school. She did and every since than we have became super close. We have traveled to like there different countires all across the world. I am deeply in love with her. But last night I learned somethings about her past how she had a sexual relationship with one of my good buddies that I told I was in love with her. She lied to me about her before and said nothing happened with them and he did as well which I believed. But last night me and my buddy had an argument and he told the things he used to do with her and I confronted her about it and she said it was true. True this happened before I even had any feelings with her but it was the fact she lied about that is fucking with me. She has also went through my phone like 6 months ago which she just told me about last night. We had a big fight and I told her I need a break. I really really love this girl a lot and now I don’t what to do. My friendship with my buddy is gone so I don’t care about it. Any advice how I can move from this. I still want to be in her life and travel with her and shit.




tl:dr My friend(19F) that I am in love with and I had a big fight last night the fact she lied to me about having anything with my buddy (20M) who I told how I felt about her. She also invaded my privacy by going through my phone. Any advice as I am still in love with her.

  1. you’re better off spending your time with someone you can actually trust. this girl is a liar and isn’t worth your stress or your time

  2. I’m confused – when you guys were just friends, why would she be obligated to tell you if she slept with someone in the friends group? That’s not any of your business.

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