Is following on Instagram flirting?

There’s a guy I’m dating not boyfriend or girlfriend yet but we’re just going out having dinner or having a cup of coffee. We are I both interested in each other and confessed our feelings to each other. However, I noticed he follows thousands of women… some even 13 or 15 years old and he allows these little girls to follow him. I mentioned it to him and he removed me from following him saying I was “creepy”. I couldn’t help but to look at the recommendations that he has on his private account and see that he still following a lot of women especially young girls. Finally he blocked me. I feel he is hiding something from me…

I told him the whole reason he blocked me is because he doesn’t plan on changing. He told me he would unfollow them later. I waited and waited and finally I asked my friend if she can look at his page (they’re not following each other) but the number of people he follow keeps going up drastically. I knew he wasn’t going to change…

I think I see he isn’t serious about me and I know he’s not serious about me. I hate following for this bs.

He’s 23 years old.

  1. You dodged a bullet. I think that’s creepy as hell. No grown man should be following underage girls they do not personally know.

  2. Following people is not cheating. His behaviour is fucking creepy though. He doesn’t need to be following children.

  3. He seems, *off*. Not just in an asshole way, but he definitely has something to hide. I personally would just walk away and not look back

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