My GF 32 Female went to Denver and met up with someone who is Married. I found out from seeing her texts between them. I haven’t decided if I want to continue the relationship with my GF yet but I want to know if I should tell the wife of the person she met up with. I don’t know if they hooked up or not but I know the texts between them were very sexual and flirty. I don’t know either of them and not sure if it’s best just to stay out of it or I should let her know. I also am not sure if I want her to know because of the way I felt after I found out or if I want him to feel his mistakes. Please help!

**tl;dr**:my GF met up with a married man in Denver and they at least kissed and maybe more… Should I tell the persons wife who she met?

  1. Send screenshots to the wife. As someone’s wife, I would prefer *someone* tell me at some point versus living in the dark.

  2. It’s very unlikely that your girlfriend , who had sexy and flirty conversations with a guy and went there to meet him, didn’t have sex with him.

  3. I would send the messages to the guys wife and also I would break up with the girlfriend at the same time and never talk to her again. There is nothing more disrespectful then cheating. It’s the ultimate low for me.

  4. Actually I would send it to the wife.

    Also I would then think about every unfulfilled fantasy I ever wanted to try out, do all of them with the gf in a weekend before putting all her stuff outside, changing the locks, dumping her by text and ghosting her.

    I say the following to try and make you laugh and maybe feel a bit less fucked over but hey

    If you wanted to be an absolutely ruthless vengeful bastard you could share this story and find a way of placing bets on how long the relationship would last once you are withholding sex and then see if you could make some money from it, before dumping like above.

    Escalating that further would be to take photos of the above add to the story and either sell to the local rag or email some kind of mailing list at her work that goes company wide, just don’t include any nudes as that shit is illegal!!

  5. I’m surprised about all the comments you should tell his wife. Maybe they have an arrangement that it is okay as long as she doesn’t know the details. Why get involved in their relationship? I (30F) have many friends who say they’d not consider it as a disaster if something happens between their boyfriends and someone else when it’s a one time thing in a city far away and nobody else will know about it.

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