i'm a fresh grad (22F), currently working my first job as a research assistant. it's been two months since i started and it's been fun so far—the working environment is great, i'm learning a lot from my mentors, and my schedule's pretty flexible. i really see myself doing this kind of work in the long run.

the only problem is that i've been really self-conscious about how i interact with people at work. i'm really introverted so it takes me quite a while to warm up to people and even get to a point where i can confidently start a conversation. i don't usually speak up at meetings because i don't want to speak for the sake of filling the silence, and i'm also unsure what to say given my limited experience. since i'm the youngest in the office and everyone else is significantly older than i am, i'm not sure how i can relate to them. even during non-work conversations i don't talk as much. my boss doesn't seem to mind (and probably understands since she's also introverted) but i'm worried that she might already be impatient that it's taking me so long to speak up more frequently. and i'm even more worried that this could be a major factor that could pull my work performance down and make her consider getting someone else for the role. i don't know how to broach the topic with her (or if i even should)—i might sound pitiful if i do.

i've always been so self-conscious about being the quiet one in meetings and other group settings, and i don't think it's helping at all at work, especially at a job i really enjoy. i'm trying to overcome it but it feels overwhelming and i always end up overthinking every single thing i say. doesn't help that i'm feeling the pressure to speed up the process of warming up to other people too. any advice/tips would be really appreciated 🙂

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