Hey guys,

I was just wanting to perhaps get some advice regarding something quite silly 😅 I’m getting a haircut tomorrow – I haven't had one for almost a year and I'm getting really anxious about it. It’s with a new hairdresser at a new salon that I haven’t been too before.

I have a very specific style in mind and a lot of hairdressers in the past have butchered my bangs which makes me very anxious. I have trouble speaking up and suffer greatly with anxiety but this is something I've been looking forward to for a long time.

Has anybody even dealt with a similar situation like this before? I’ve been practising over and over in my head what I will say about my style and I have photos of how I would like my bangs to be but I just can’t shake the nerves 😭

It’s a lot of money for me on a limited budget so I really want to be happy with how it looks when I leave the appointment tomorrow but I also don’t want to be pedantic/demanding or come across rude 😩

P. S I’m cackling at how I worded my title…it makes it sound like my anxiety is getting a haircut 😂😂😂

1 comment
  1. I’m exactly the same with my hair! It leaves you so anxious when hair has been butchered previously by other salons.

    I’d recommend speaking with the hairdresser, any decent hairdresser usually has a chat with new clients to get ideas of what they’re looking for and start with small talk. I found it helpful being open about my anxieties and they’d check in with me through every step making you feel comfortable enough to be like ‘actually no I’d prefer XXX’

    Or if you don’t feel confident doing that perhaps taking a friend/family member to come sit with you who might be more confident and act as a sort of buffer so you feel more comfortable when addressing things with the hairdresser.

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