I (F) have been thinking a lot about how relationship dynamics have changed between men and women and am curious what some men feel about this change?

I grew up in a liberal area and it was beaten into my head I didn't need a man and to be a career woman. I took that in stride and have played a more dominant role in all my relationships bc that was just the norm.

I now live in the south and have encountered men who are more old fashioned to a degree an want to embrace feminine and masculine roles…. turns out, I freaking LOVE that! Who knew. I'm now learning to be less controlling, more soft, more trusting, and allow the man to take more of a lead. It has not been easy, but I'm happy with my shift in mindset bc it is my choice.

I'm curious to hear which of you enjoy modern dating dynamics and which of you prefer more traditional roles in a relationship? For men who prefer the latter, what things do you really love that your woman does that makes you feel respected in that dynamic?

I have a very hard time letting a man lead if I feel more capable than him, but I also want to be someone that could bring that out in a potential partner – like some men have brought out a more submissive side in myself. Looking for the male perspective on these relationship roles.

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