It's honestly taking a lot for me to even do this. For some context; i'm big on listening, and respect. It means alot to me when i know you heard what i was saying and you were listening to understand rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. I consider my partner in every action i take. My love languages are quality time and gift giving while his were physical touch. I'm not on the spectrum or anything but due to stress i've been getting really overstimulated. Also, i will admit i am irritable. I cannot deal with stupidity and i struggle to hide how i feel about it. I would ask him often not to say something to me, or not to do certain things because it would bother me or upset me, and it seems like he would go out of his way to do it anyway. He knew my triggers and what would upset me and would, once again, seemingly go out of his way to do it. Anyway, We broke up about three weeks ago, which was the day before his birthday. We've been arguing for a few months, and we seem to always have miscommunications. Since January I've been dealing with a lot of family issues & have been having a lot of work troubles, so I've been extremely stressed out and just on edge. We always got into disagreements over little things. For example, the straw that broke the camel's back was when i was telling him something over the phone and my friend called. I told him i would give him a call back in two seconds, because i was supposed to be heading over to her house and I thought it was important. It wasn't, so i called him back. I recently got a cat and she did something stupid, so when she called me back again i wanted to tell her. I told him to hold on and he said, " why cant you just text her?". I told him it would take me a few seconds to tell her and call him back. He insisted i text her. I told him to just wait and i called him back no longer than a minute later. This caused an argument, and he kept asking for an apology. I kept asking what should i be sorry for? since i don't apologize for no reason. For some more context, I was bullied some years prior and apologies were used against me. I no longer apologize if I don't understand what I'm apologizing for due to this. He said it was because i hung up on him while he was talking, but he wasn't. I cut myself off to answer her call and i truly didn't understand what he was upset about. Prior to this encounter, he was telling me about how he didn't want me to go at all. He was supposed to come with me and ended up no longer wanting to go. I told him i already confirmed earlier that day and it was too late for me to cancel. Then the phone call occurred. There have been numerous other instances where we'd argue over stupid things. i understand that I'm young, but I just chalked it up to simple relationship shit. Everybody argues; no two people are alike. He also struggled to retain information. I'd have to ask him to do or not to do something multiple times before any action was actually taken, and by then i'd be upset because i have to repeat myself. I believe that if you were truly listening, i wouldn't have to say anything twice. There was also a lot of insecurity within our relationship. We had some "girl best friend" issues in the beginning and to be frank, i should've just ended it there. He's done a few more out-of-pocket things but it's too much for me to explain. if you're curious let me know and i can tell you. He would also often dub our plans in order to do something else, and i would just say okay. As for me, i wouldn't make any plans unless i knew him and I weren't spending time together that day. I also don't have many female friends, and when an old friendship rekindled i was beyond excited. i wouldnt have to keep pestering him to spend time with me and i wouldnt be bothering him as much. I thought he'd be excited for this change but he wasn't. He started talking down to me as if i was a child and didn't know any better. i've been through alot as a child and i'm more mature than most my age and i'm very knowledgeable about most things. This new friend causes quite a few more issues because he felt as if i, "wasn't watering his plant". When i've been watering him and nurturing our relationship for almost two years. I didn't have anyone else but him so he was always my main priority. Ultimately, during the conversation as we were breaking up he brought up how he didn't know himself, and how he wanted to focus on his individual growth. He often stated that his career path was "unbalanced", and he wouldn't be able to handle a relationship. He told me he still loved and cared about me but he had to choose him, but if you ask me he always chose himself. When we'd get into arguments he would always go out, and leave me at home waiting for him. He would often do things out of pettiness but wouldn't admit he was being petty. He said that he didn't want to date until 26, but i know he's lying. I'm honestly just really upset and i'm struggling to work through the day without crying. I cared about him alot, but i know i should've ended the relationship sooner. My friends and family keep telling me that he's immature, he wasn't ready for my level of commitment, and he wasn't ready for a woman. When i date, i'm not doing it to just pass time. Once again, i understand that i'm young but that's just how i've always felt about it. I know i'm kind of all over the place in this post so if you need a clearer explanation or more context, just let me know. i also know that it's over but it really hurts feeling like i put more effort into the relationship than he did. i honestly just want to hear other people's opinions.

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