For context,

We have been together for around 10 months almost 11. He is an amazing guy and is very caring. I will admit, it took a LOT of work for him and I to get where we are now. In the beginning, he had a lot of insecurities and was new to dating so I almost had to mold him to be the boyfriend that I wanted. If he did something and I didn’t like it or if I wanted him to treat me a certain way all it would take was me mentioning it once and he would change and become better. I love it about him because I am the same way. Because he is very new to dating, I find myself having to introduce things and it gets exhausting. We have talked about marriage and we assured each other that we are dating with intentions to marry, but part of me is scared that since everything is so new to him he will wait a long time for big milestones. I am a new nurse and work 12+ hour shifts four days out of the week. He on the other hand, doesn’t work and fully dedicates his time to being a caregiver for his parents. I understand it and I’d do the same, but my parents tell me that they don’t see potential as we are in two stages of life. What do you guys think?

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