In Lithuanian they’re called “Laido riteris” or “knight of the cable”

  1. In Ukraine we call them Інтернет вояка (“internet warrior”) or диванні війська (“sofa troops”). I prefer the second one

  2. Näppäimistösoturi is the literal translation in finnish but I think stuff like internetsoturi or somesoturi (internet and social media warriors) are more common.

  3. “Tastaturkriger”, which is a direct translation.

    “Nettkriger” (web warrior) is another one.

  4. There isn’t a single word that’s popping to my mind, but we have a saying:

    “Kozak w necie, pizda w świecie”. which translates to:

    “Badass on the internet, a pussy in the real world”

  5. “Диванный активист / эксперт” – “armchair activist / expert” (actually “sofa”, but “armchair” is used in this meaning in English). It’s more general than keyboard though.

  6. I think that there isn’t a specific expression for it in Spain, but in my opinion we should call them *El Cid Tecleador*.

  7. In Turkey the special forces are nicknamed the maroon berets (bordo bereliler), so the keyboard warriors are called bordo klavyeliler, meaning people with maroon keyboards.

  8. I can’t think of a specific phrase for keyboard warrior.

    We have a catch all term for those type of people, not necessarily in the Internet. “Treinador de Bancada” that translates to “bench coach” or “bleacher coach”.

    Basically someone who always has an opinion on how to do things the proper way, when they’re not qualified or the person calling the shots.

  9. Hrdina za klávesnicí (hero behind keyboard), internetový hrdina (internet hero).

    Some another Czech will have better translation I guess

  10. It’s *Maulheld — snout hero* in German. It’s someone who talks big but avoids any real work or risk. Doesn’t have to be online.

  11. A common term is *tangentbordskrigare*, meaning “keyboard warrior”.

    A less common but imho better term is *kommentarsfältherre*, a pun blending the words *kommentarsfält* (comments section) and *fältherre* (warlord).

  12. It’s “nethuszár” ([inter]net hussar/warrior). I also know “fotelkommunista” (armchair communist) and “szájkaratés” (mouth/oral karate [person]) have been used too.

  13. What the fuck is a keyboard warrior? I do not understand this kind of posts that ask «how do you call a…» and then they do not explain what they are talking about not even give a link to an explanation, wikipedia article, picture, whatever!

  14. “Hassposter” (“hate poster”) might come close if you mean people who harass or incite people online.

  15. “Netihiiro” meaning internet hero. “Hiiro” is of course a slang for the english world “hero”.

  16. There is no German word for it because 104% of German Twitter is keyboard warriors. It is the norm, not the exception.

    They do have a word for those despicable people who do not engage in keyboard wars to spread the political True Faith: Schmunzeltwitter (schmunzeln = smiling mildly)

  17. Virkur í athugasemdum, literal translation being “active in the comment section”. No prizes for guessing what it infers you”.

  18. In Russia we call them “диванные войска”, or if translated literally, “sofa (or chair) troops”.

  19. Kozak w necie, pizda w świecie.

    (lit. “a Cossack online, but a pussy IRL”, but in rhyme).

  20. ‘Internet tough guy’ if it’s a guy who goes on about how bad-ass he is. Bonus points if he threatens to kick your ass if he ever meets you.

    ‘Keyboard commando’ or ‘chairborne ranger’ if someone goes on about military matters (or anything else having to do with shootin’ shit) and tries to imply they’re more qualified or big-balled than they are.

    I guess that ‘keyboard commando’ could also be used in the ‘keyboard warrior’ sense.

  21. We just call them “keyboard warriors” in Greece🇬🇷😂😂.
    We don’t have any special word or phrase for them.
    A Translated Greek version of it is ” μαχητές πληκτρολογίου” but I don’t think that anyone is using the greek one😂😂🥲

  22. In Swiss german you might call somebody a “härte chrieger” (literally “hard warrior”) though it’s not exclusive to internet attitude.

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