I accidentally broke my mums glasses that she got 21 years ago as a present from my dad when they first met…
They were too big for my head and kept falling off and the final time they fell, I was sat down and lent back on them which made the glasses wonky. I tried to gently push it back into place and almost fixed it but then it snapped.
I have tried to get them fixed with no luck
I’m really upset this happened and I haven’t told my mum yet
I know she’s gonna be really upset as well and I’m kinda scared to tell her. She hasn’t realised they are gone yet
I don’t know if I should make up something for it’s disappearance or to just tell her the truth .

  1. Well it has an emotional value, so dont throw it out. Try to found a store that might be able to repair it. If it is not possible tell u mom the truth and give her back.

  2. Do you want to be the kind of person that tries to lie and hide their mistakes because you dont believe you can take the consequences? or do you want to be the person that openly accepts responsibility and tries to make things right?

    Making a mistake doesn’t make you a bad person.
    You can be okay with people being angry with you. Let your mom be angry, she has every right to be. Don’t try to control the thoughts and behaviours of other people. Just act with honesty and integrity, even when it’s not easy. These are the kind of tough moments where a person develops character.

    “To find it humiliating to admit an error is a certain sign of flawed self-esteem” – Nathaniel Branden

    Have enough faith in yourself and in your bond with your mother that you’ll be okay. I know its hard but deception is the kind of thing that will hurt your faith in yourself and hurt your relationship with your mom. That would be worse than breaking some glasses.

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