We met about 8 months ago at my college. We met at a gathering and started talking more. Our personalities matched and we have the same sense of humor as I have come to find out. Our conversation weren't anything romantic just platonic conversation very easy going and we had a lot of similar interests. After about two weeks he tells me he is married to a girl back in his home country, I asked him did he want space since we were talking everyday and he told me no it's just friendly conversation but I just wanted you to know, I said okay that makes sense. Things continue as normal, we would sometimes hangout or just text. Our texting cut down after the information he told me because I didn't want to get attached. A couple months go by and I start having feelings for him, so I decide to tell him so he knows why I am going to distance myself. He tells okay I understand and doesn't say anything else. Now I only see him of I bump into him at school and our texting has become very minimal. Fast forward to now being summer and we are not in school. I was at work and he calls me I was very surprised because we had kept our distance I thought something was wrong. I answer the phone and he says "hey there is something important I need to tell you" I asked him is something wrong and that's when he said " I am not married, I never was married. I only told you that so we didn't catch feeling but we obviously both did so I decided to tell you" I was left speechless I mean what do you even say to that, all I said was " I have no idea what to think right now, my mind is so confused and I don't know if I should believe you or not" he told me "I will give you space to think about it and you can let know where do you want to go from here" after that conversation he started talking romantic to me and more frequently. I don't know if I should believe him and start talking romantic with him or should I just keep him distance and as a friend because I do still have feelings for him but I am so conflicted on what is the right action to take.

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