How does it feel knowing that you are replaceable at work and in life?

  1. That’s all up to you. At my work. I do thing no other employee what’s to do. I do extra shit. Nothing to much where I feel ripped off. But enough to make my presence known. And for them to see me. Replaceable? Definitely. But they will miss me And they will know they lost a good one.

  2. I will be replaced. I replaced someone else. Its a endless cycle really. Why do we keep doing this. Evolution? Why do we keep evolving? What are we tryin to become? What will the human race look like in 100 years? 1000 years 10,000 years? What happens after this one is replaced? Is it game over or do i go to another lv? Maybe i start over in the next rotation?🤔

  3. Freeing. I’m talented if it doesn’t work here I’m pretty sure I go some where else and do just as well if not better. I make myself needed by being able to do things that not a lot of people can do. I know how to keep myself busy, I always have something to do, I don’t need outside push for motivation.

  4. Great, that bitch Carol in HR can do my job if she thinks she’s such hot shit

  5. Doesn’t bother me. The field I work in has been around longer than I have been alive. Naturally there will be people with years more experience than me, and better qualifications. The only thing I focus on is just giving effort and improving myself every time I go to work. If you do that then you’ll be fine.

  6. Universe will continue with or with out us. Best enjoy the ride while you can before you turn back to star fuel.

  7. I make replacing me a pain in the ass.

    no one on sight wants my job, it’s tedious, boring super stressful and it’s a lot of work.

    no one else is trained to do it. and the system is ending soon and a new system they want to train me in will take over.

    if I leave now, or must go, they have to train an entirely new person to do a job that will only exist for a few more months before needing to be trained in an entirely new system, and again, absolutely no one wants this position, so that person would either be forced or coerced to the role and therefore not do it nearly as effectively as I do.

    I’m also a father, not only is replacing me as a working, loving, caring and attentive partner and father would be an insurmountable level of effort and would very likely result in a legal case for custody where I have a very solid case to make.

    I work, workout, keep my house clean, cook, talk, listen, plan nice things and outings, remember mother’s day, anniversaries etc etc.

    replacing me would be a huge effort, for little results.

    so I’m replaceable. in work, but they would suffer for it, and they are replaceable too.

    so I’m replaceable in life, but they would suffer for it, and I’m only replaceable to an extent.

    Il be a good father no matter what, and that can’t be replaced.

  8. I am not replaceable. Not at work, and not in life. I’m sorry you feel that way about yourself.

  9. Every generation gets replaced by the ones coming up so why is this a question.

  10. There are about eight billion humans in this world right now.

    You’ll have a better time when you realize we’re a mere speck in a cosmic fart within a vast space and time we’ll never fully make sense of. Try to enjoy it. Pizza helps.

  11. Quite Freeing. Means I don’t give a fuck anymore. As if i am replaceable guess what, then so is my job or my partner.

  12. Great! I’m tact when I made myself “replaceable “ at work it led to greater things. It’s such a liberating experience in my opinion. I now strive to figure out how to do something and as soon as it works, I would bring someone else in who can do it as good or better and I can move to other things. That way their successes count as my legacy. Boom

  13. Not too bad since virtually every worker is replaceable. So long as I fit the average I can’t be too upset.

  14. I’m not replaceable. I’m the arm in “form arms and legs” of Voltron. Can’t fight bad guys with a one armed robot.

  15. My face tattoos pretty much ensure I can get hired anywhere.

    (Within the 7-11 network of stores).

  16. I’m replaceable at work but then again I can also find another job, I might be replaceable as a husband but I’m definitely not replaceable as a father or son.

  17. Everyone is replaceable no matter how special you think you are. I wouldn’t worry about it to be honest.

  18. My employer is replaceable too. It never took me longer than 2 weeks to find a new job.

  19. I never really had much of an opinion, even though I was always aware that everyone is replaceable.

    A lot of these business models were established and implemented with success prior to a lot of us being born, we were all essentially born into it. so, arguably, there’s a little bit of flexibility in the system, if you want to look at it like that.

    just keep building that résumé and solidifying your strengths, that way it’s a difficult to replace you and if you do get replaced you will immediately get scooped up.
    as far as my professional career/jobs go, that’s always been the case. The little side gigs here and there have so much wayward kind of delegation that it’s going to be a bit more difficult to put that together with any type of coherent argument

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