Literally just the subject. I wish I could be more interested in sports. Team sports, league sports, any sports that most people watch. A lot of my friends watch them but my conversations with them literally run dry because I have got nothing to say and I hate pretending to know about something I know nothing about. As a guy it is super hard to make friends if you don't have much to talk about and most people in their late 20s early 30s love talking and being passionate about sports.

I was talking to a girl sort of flirtatiously and she randomly asked me, "oh so did you watch the game last night", I had no idea what she was asking about. Which game? She was dumbfounded saying, "I thought most guys like sports". I don't know what exactly it is but I have had several opportunities to begin to like sports but I have literally never been able to get myself to care. Is it genetics? Because my dad absolutely loves sports and frankly if it weren't for him I wouldn't even have watched the bare minimum.

I have no clue why I have literally not been able to cultivate an interest or care in sports. I understand that it is supposed to be manly and most people just naturally gravitate towards it but I have still not been able to. I envy people who are simply able to be so passionate that they wake up 3 am in the morning excited to watch a game so they can have something to look forward to. I want to know the basics of how I should actually start liking something so I don't come off like a introverted nerd with niche interests.

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