Hey all,

Just wanted some insight into an interaction before I make my mind up.

So I (27M) matched with this woman (25F) about a week ago, and we really hit it off on the app. We moved to insta shortly after our first exchange and spoke over the phone for about 3hrs. We found that we had quite a bit in common and the convo flowed quite nice.

Fast forward about another week and communication has been sparse and very lackluster. I've brought up the idea of going out 2-3 times and it's just been almost completely ignored pretty much.

So I reached out yesterday and asked her if she was still interested in talking, and that there's no pressure if she wasn't feeling it. She responded by apologising for being unresponsive, but did not give a reason. Instead, she replied with "I'd like to at least meet you once." And then went on to ask if I was free to meet this Saturday. It's been mixed signals and I don't think I've dealt with someone like this before.

My gut is telling me to just move on and focus on another match I've really had fun interacting with, however I just wanted a 3rd party perspective. Should I take her up on the offer, or does the lackluster comm signal time wasting on her part?

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