Hi everyone. I think this is my first real port on Reddit. I hope everyone reading this is at ease. Since January of this year (2024), I’ve lost all of my friends one by one. Now, August 2024, I look around and no joke, I am not exaggerating, no one is around. Except my family of course but we don’t have this bond of amazing trust because – well – my parents don’t know much about traumas, confessions and healing. I lost all of my friends for about the same reasons: I found myself to be changing and they decided to stay at the same place. But I have noticed a pattern in their behaviour when it was over – cruelty. They left leaving a lot of marks and scars. And well I will say it here, I am hurt. They were not a lot and didn’t even know each other. Maybe 5 to 6 people ? I just wanted to let it out .. I am on a journey alone now. Nobody calls my phone, nobody wonders how I am, what I am doing. Worst thing is I have MMA classes with the worst of the so called ‘friend’ who betrayed me with my ex and rubbed it in my face when our friendship was over. He did that twice and the story went very far. But yeah … Here I am haha I thank God I am okay .. But I can not lie. Sometimes, I feel lonely and I keep thinking of the horrible things that has been done and said to me and it hurts man. And now I sort of don’t know what to do. I surely know I will become the best version of myself, but other than that, I am a little bit lost .. And lonely .. But never really alone at the end. I have Allah. May God help me and us all. I thank you for reading.

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