Last week I had asked someone if they were available to help me with something on Monday the 26th. They said "Yeah I can be there Monday" and we talked about "Monday" and I assumed everything was great. They showed up on Monday the 19th expecting to help.

My reaction was not great. "You didn't come here just for that did you?" And then "oh nooo" – I know this is the worst thing, I basically made this person feel even worse for showing up on the wrong day when they have a ton of other more important things to be doing. They proceeded to indicate that I had made the mistake and that I had told them "Monday". I didn't correct them, but I also could have clarified better. It's a big miscommunication. They said "it's okay!" and were able to make the day count anyway, but it's eating me alive.

Should I reach out again tomorrow and thank them profusely for taking time for me, for making an effort to come to my rescue? That should have been my initial reaction but I was so caught up in my own failure to communicate.

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