I’m m(26) starting to feel really frustrated in my relationship of 3 years f(25), and I’m not sure if I’m being needy or if my concerns are valid.

I always make an effort to compliment my girlfriend and make her feel special every day. I also pay for dinner a lot and plan dates for us. The problem is, it’s rarely reciprocated. I hardly ever get a thank you, and it really hurts that all of this goes unnoticed.

I’ve tried talking to her about how it makes me feel, and the next day she said something nice about my jacket, but that was four months ago, and nothing has changed since. We’re also rarely intimate—maybe once a week or once every two weeks—and we live together. When I bring up these issues, she either goes quiet or we have a chat, but nothing ever gets resolved.

To make things more complicated, I’ve just started on antidepressants, so I know my feelings might be amplified right now. But even with that in mind, I’m feeling lost and don’t know what to do anymore. Am I expecting too much? How do I handle this?


I'm frustrated in my relationship because my efforts to show affection and appreciation aren't reciprocated. I regularly compliment my girlfriend, plan dates, and pay for things, but she rarely acknowledges it, and we have little intimacy. I’ve talked to her about it, but nothing has changed. Since starting antidepressants, my feelings might be heightened, but I still feel lost and unsure if I'm being needy or if my concerns are valid. How should I handle this?

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