30M here. After my ex-girlfriend (34F) cheated on me with her friend(learned a painful lesson) , it’s been really hard to meet and find someone in their 30s. Most women I meet have a kid or kids. I tried dating someone with a child in the past, and it was a disaster and traumatic, so I can’t do that anymore.

Dating apps are terrible, and meeting people in real life is tough. All my friends are married or have kids and are moving forward with their lives, while I’m here having no luck.

I feel like the people you are interested aren’t interested in you and people who like you, you aren’t interested them…

Just venting, I guess. Shit sucks; dating sucks!

  1. AGREED! No one is looking for anything serious now a days, just hookups.

    Dating apps are horrible and meeting people irl is hard and also where lol

    I feel the pain!

  2. Lol. Same. 32F single with no kids. Right now, no one really wants to be exclusive. Every guy I have gone on a date is just looking for something casual. I just stopped dating .

  3. i think you have to seek deeper for self-love and then you the right person will come at the right time just stay positive

  4. My major word of advice , work on yourself , stop chasing entirely! I’ve always found when I’m in a low / dry spell in dating, as soon as I let go essentially and just stop putting so much mental into it, a girl or multiple tend to come out the woodworks, or you meet someone and things are more natural when your not so stuck on the mindset of looking for a spouse rather then a friend first

  5. I’m meeting up with a girl I met from an app for dinner and sex later tonight. I’m enjoying it just fine.

  6. An insane amount of chicks are selling content online to get by. They’re all for the streets. The rest have given up on dating and resorted to having multiple pets. It’s hard for both genders. OLD and social media has destroyed dating.

  7. Yeah it’s pretty hard, just went through something similar. Keep your head up man, there’s somebody for everyone.

  8. 🫠 Agreed. Compound this with trying to find a religious guy, and it’s just the worst. I’m just about ready to quit and become a cat lady or something.

  9. It’s hard. I have two kids and most guys don’t want to talk bc it scares them off. I was with my husband for almost 12 years and married for almost 8. We have two kids but now I’m 29 and it’s a major turn off for some. I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything but it makes it quite hard to find someone who is open minded about kids and check all the right boxes.

  10. I think part of the problem is that people try too hard to look for something specific, and ofen times that leads to disappointment. Me and my BF were not looking for anything specific when we got together. We just let things happen naturally and it worked out for us. Sadly we recently broke up due to shitty circumstances out of my control, but we plan on getting back together in the future when things change.

  11. Dating market is filled with a cesspool of people from both sides. People thinking they can do way better when they’re mediocre themselves. And yeah bro if you’re in your 30’s it’ll be hard to find a woman who isn’t divorced, doesn’t have kids. So you have to be realistic. Also a lot of people are like you , the bad after taste of previous relationships have also caused people to be cautious about who they date and rather be single than get hurt again. Social media definitely doesn’t help as it’s made people so insufferable to be around.

  12. Exit the dating pool for a while. That’s what I’m doing. Until you deal with your trauma, you’ll create a barrier in your mind to find a legitimate connection. Similar stuff happened to me, tried dating and even met a great girl but I just couldn’t fully commit due to fear of marriage (family law bias) and fear of betrayal .

  13. What do you mean you try dating a girl with kids and was horrible. You’re not going to find a girl that doesn’t have kids anymore. It’s just how it is and it’s a pair you can’t have one without the other. So you’re going to be single for the rest of your life or meet some fucked up women. But they’d last year’s relationship I was in she had three kids and that was the best part of the relationship. Like kids are amazing they just look up to you and think they’re Superman and especially when they’re not yours like they’re the shit. Maybe you should readjust your self a little bit cuz I think you’re tripping.

  14. Dating does suck! The amount of bullshit we have to go through is honestly not worth it. I have a fwb and while i do want a relationship I am okay with the way things are between us. My sister tried to match me with one of her friends by giving her my number and didnt hear anything for 2 months and then was given the excuse that he notifications for messanger were turned off. I knew she was never interested because of the fact that I gave my number and not asked for hers. Im done chasing.

    Just keep doing you and live your best life! Dont settle for anything less than you deserve!

  15. There are few single people in their thirties, you should be open to dating younger people.

  16. You’re 30, not 40 so why don’t you try to date down instead of up? As long as your life isn’t a mess might not be a bad idea

  17. I get you. I’ve dated a woman with a kid before and it’s not an easy thing. I give anyone serious credit if they’re dating someone who has kid(s).

    I’m 41m, single, no kids. I know what it’s like to feel like it will never show up and never ever happen. All you can do is take things day by day. Focus on the things you can control and not the things you can’t. I know that’s easier said than done (and to be fair, I should take my own advice), but it’s the best way to go.

    Don’t think you need to rush to find someone right this second. It’s not going to happen that way (I feel like I’m talking to myself here. lol).

    Do your friends know anyone that’s single? Maybe know some other people you might be able to relate with?

  18. Dating in the 2010s sucked too for what it’s worth. Just dead end ‘getting to know you’ conversation dates with superficial and generic topics…

  19. Gonna be honest here….everyone has too many expectations of what they feel they deserve. I’m not saying you are at fault dude…im just saying the internet changed dating and influenced people in a bad way. Those dating sites are garbage and I’ve tested that theory lol. My kids say I should date again…I asked why? Then they said aren’t you lonely? I responded..nope! Lol 🤣 hook ups are good but then again ya might catch something or get robbed. Learn a new language and date outside your race! Fk it…sometimes doing the opposite of what you want is best.. its all a roll of the dice dude

  20. Well, I’ve been there, and hopefully done with that. Single from 37 to 39… been on a bunch of dates and now have been with the same person for over 7 months. Just here to say, keep hope, keep an open mind and positive attitude because the contrary is a turn-off and won’t help. Good luck, it should happen🙂

  21. 25 F and haven’t had a good date in a while. Every guy just wants something casual. Just tonight, a guy threw a fit because I asked to get drinks and not invite him over and couldn’t even wait 5 minutes at the bar for me to get there. It just seems people want something quick and easy. Dating apps create an illusion of abundance. I have given up. It’s not worth it.

  22. Pretty sure I just found my person. Dating was miserable until then.

    I think dating sucks until it suddenly doesn’t. It just takes longer for some people. Took me forever to

  23. Sameeeee and it is making it impossible to get over my ex. You’re not alone!!!!! It’s rough out here.

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