Got some good news you want to share?

  1. Still soloing the Big Island. My first Airbnb host makes the best veggie omelette and has a killer collection of local hot sauce plus French presses local beans.

    Bought bread on the side of the road, drove 3 hours through volcano ash fields and rainforests to reach my farm Airbnb, finally had a sit down burger and mai tai after a few days of takeout, and fully stocked with grocery store poke so that I can eat street bread and poke for breakfast on the farm tomorrow.

  2. When my partner visits me on the weekend (we’re long distance for the next 6 months) he makes me little frozen meals bc he knows how busy I get at work without him.

    I got to eat 2 meals today and all because of him! So happy. And they’re really delicious – a coworker today said it smelt good too!

  3. I’m travelling alone with a ‘not single’ status pretty much for the first time in my adult life. What a wonderful freeing sensation!

    Essentially much every other time in my life when I’ve travelled alone I was using OLD to go on dates and hang out with locals.

    Always it involved me spending time chatting to new people that sometimes turned out to be dicks, always making an effort in terms of how I look and dress. It took a time investment and effort i didn’t realise was taking away from my ability to explore by myself.

    I’ve had some amazing experiences I’ve the years and found fantastic spots that no online travel guide would have been able to offer, yet I guess until today I didn’t really realise how different of a feeling this shift in mindset produced. I like messy haired me.

  4. Been seeing a guy for a few weeks, our schedules are complicated but Thursday is becoming date night because we are both free. So excited to see him later

  5. Had a nice date last night with a guy who’s the type I didn’t really see myself with beforehand. I don’t have a lot of dating experience (trans woman just starting to date men) so lots of second guessing and not really knowing the “rules”. Great conversation, few laughs and even though I was thrown off by him asking for the check after about 90 minutes (googled- turns out that is not uncommon for a first date…) he messaged a few hours later saying he had a great time and while he was going out of town he “wants to know more and keep chatting and stuff”! Exciting!!!

  6. I took the girl from Sunday out bar hopping last night. It was non stop fun. The sex is so so good but we also can’t stop kissing each other. Omggggg

  7. I spent Monday night at my BF’s house, and it got me thinking back on our time together and how our relationship is progressing.

    When we first started hanging out last summer, we’d spend an evening together every couple weeks. Those progressed to overnights every Friday. After a few more weeks, we got to where we’d spend Friday nights together, separate for a few hours on Saturday, then spend Saturday nights together as well.

    That led to spending the entire weekends together, and recently I started sticking around his house through Sunday night and just going home before work on Mondays (we only live 10 minutes apart). And as of this past week, he asked me to come back after work on Monday and we spent that night together too.

    This is a long-winded way to say I’m just enjoying watching our relationship deepen and develop naturally. I feel loved and happy. Excited for what’s next but in no rush either. It’s a really nice change compared to previous relationships.

  8. random thought about dating: does anyone else feel like there are guys who bring a “not other guys” energy to the conversation??

    I feel like I’ve had so many guys bring up like “*I’m not one of those guys who pose with a fish lol”* (even though I never see those guys now that I live in the middle of the city) or I’ll say something about going to the gym and they’ll say something about how it sucks that I have to be around gym bros and I’m just like… IDK they’re literally fine? They just do their thing and I do my similar thing.

    Like I feel like they always expect me to commiserate and I’m just like what’s wrong with a man going fishing, honestly? It’s literally a hobby. It’s not my hobby, but as a vegetarian, I respect that this isn’t really putting a net negative in the world if you’re already a meat-eater.

    idk I’m definitely a picky person but I like when people have confidence without referencing how they’re better than whatever they think is the bottom of the dating bucket here.

    edit: forgot to say, I’m taking a mini break from dating and feel calm.

  9. I have more dates upcoming and I’m starting to feel the anxiety of whether these will work out

    Just gotta stay detached hahaha ughhh

  10. When I walk my dog lots of people chat me up. It’s nice. But they are all 50+. We have nice chats.

    Nobody under 50 talks to me in public, it’s so weird. I always thought my dog would be a cool way to meet people at dog parks and such, but it’s really only good for me getting to know my older neighbors.

    It’s totally a generational thing. But it makes me realize that it’s not my ‘social skills’ that are lacking… it’s younger people’s willingness to engage. I also notice at work it’s even worse with the 20 somethings. They literally never talk to each other, or me, or anyone. They are just glued to their phones, texting away every few minutes. No wonder people think I’m a huge jerk for not texting them back every few minutes…

  11. Been talking to a guy a little over a week and he was out of town. He’s asked me out, but I don’t think I’m feeling it. I’m not that attracted or excited about him so probably not going to pursue. I’m looking to be excited about people otherwise I don’t want to waste my time.

    Before anyone says to give it a chance, I’m kind of just at a stage where I’m not super into dating and rather just live my life unless someone good comes a long. Rather not waste anyones time.

  12. Seeing my guy tomorrow! He’s a lot busier than I am (though I don’t let on! lol) and he suggested a prime time, weekend night date. He’s not the best at planning so I don’t know what it is. I kind of like the excitement of sitting back and waiting.

    It’ll be almost date 10, which is generally how long I try to wait before having sex with someone. Fingers crossed since we’re exclusive, it might feel like the right time!

  13. Bit the bullet today and told the women Ive been crushing on that I have feelings for her. I’m nervous as hell but I’m too old for games these days and to not take risks. Now regardless of the outcome I feel better for saying something than not at all. Cheers! and good luck everyone

  14. My GF dropped an “I love you” when she was saying goodbye the other day. She said it so casually and it sounded so natural, as if she’s said it a thousand times.

    It took me by surprise and I didn’t even notice it immediately. I didn’t respond or acknowledge it because she got in her car to leave.

    I posted this yesterday too, but I’m just wondering if this is just a really normal way to say it for the first time? Like should I just do the same sometime? I guess I was thinking I needed to say something more or wait for an opportune time to say it, but she just dropped it when she said goodbye. Maybe that’s the way to do it? I’ve been dying to tell her for weeks.

    I overthink things all the time, so I’m just looking for peoples opinions 🙂

  15. Going on a real, live date tonight. Not a first-time-meeting or a let’s-hang-out. A structured date. This guy is very serious and a little intense and brought that same energy into the ask and execution (so far). I kinda feel like a teenager! Not necessarily butterflies or anxiety over it, but… like this is how it used to be, back then. It feels old-fashioned in a really cool kind of way — incredibly intentional.

    I’d forgotten how this feels.

  16. i had two guys ive formerly seen reach out to me around midnight yesterday, very weird coincidence, as i hadn’t talked to either in months.

    one i saw for maybe a month and a half a year ago? or more. still on good terms with him. he asked me for some advice about a sexual consent situation with a new girl he’s dating 😬😬 i was happy to offer advice but we just hadn’t talked in so long, it was out of the blue

    the other, who i went on a single date with a few months ago (in which there was zero chemistry and kinda awkward conversation) apologized for “causing you harm.” i was like, i genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about! i thought you were pleasant and hold no ill will towards you. he then said he was 2000% willing to try it again, and i was like, sorry i’m seeing someone (true.) he then said “it’s been a second, so my opinion is “go on get it!” im always good with friends. to be anything other than prohappiness is straight shitty.” i was like lol you don’t know me, you don’t have to be happy for me to which he replied “true but I’m highly moral, and the best thing i know about is to value happiness, cause i don’t know you, but, as long as you’re happy, idgaf” to which i just stopped responding. end scene

    just some truly unusual interactions last night…maybe they were both drinking or something

  17. I love the same man since almost two years and he’s awesome in every way… also I might finally be over my stomach bug that’s literally being in a pain in my butt since Monday, just in time to celebrate by best friends birthday on Saturday 🍾🥳

  18. A couple of years ago, I went on one date with a woman. One thing I remember about her is that she had 2 younger sisters who were identical twins. I just came across a profile where the woman looks similar to my date from a couple of years ago, and it mentions that she is an identical twin. I would bet money that the profile belongs to my former date’s sister.

  19. I guess someone reported me to Reddit and said they were concerned about me and so Reddit sent me a bunch of stuff in relation to depression, counseling, numbers to call, etc. Normally I would be like wtf but…this person isn’t wrong. I’m struggling. So thank you.

  20. A promising relationship ended recently and I am still in the grieve what might have been stage. Without trying, I am busier than ever and that is allowing me the right mix of limited wallowing interspersed with lots of activity. Also, I found out that my long awaited promotion was approved and this years bonus is going to be a good one.

  21. I’ve been seeing a new person for about 2 weeks now, we finally slept together Tuesday night (and Weds morning…and Weds night…and this morning, lol) and it was wonderful. I had some reservations about him in the beginning, but after talking with my therapist, I think I was trying to find red flags because I was really scared of getting hurt again. I feel a lot less anxious about the situation now, not just because of the sex, but because he’s just been so wonderful to me and I don’t have to question whether or not he’s into me or wants what I want (which happened with the last guy). We’re on the same page about what we want and he’s doing all the things to show me his interest. So there’s no anxiety in between our dates and I feel a calmness that I don’t know if I’ve ever felt before in dating. It’s so nice for a change!

    Also – I’m kind of reveling in the fact that after going 39 years without sex, I’ve now had sex with two people in the span of about 6 months. Guess I’m just making up for all the time I lost feeling insecure and shitty about my body 😂

  22. So, I just realized that my friends thought I was being ironic whenever I’ve vented about my lack of a dating life. It’s flattering that people in my social group think I couldn’t possibly be struggling to get a date… But here I am.

  23. As a demisexual, the talking between the new person I am seeing and I is growing and growing us closer. We are starting to really get to know one another and are making more concrete plans for dates and experiences together. Still no sex which is ok for me but the tension before the below happened was palpable. I think I will broach that when I see her tonight.

    I had a personal issue (falling off my bike in a bad way – not american hospital worthy but bad enough) and she was so concerned!!! It was truly moving to feel and see that from someone who I’ve known for 3 weeks. I asked for help as she saw the hematomas and pain I was in and agreed to let me sleep over last night in case of brain bleed/delayed concussion etc. This was so far above and beyond what I could have ever asked for…I am used to just gritting and baring it. Being allowed to be safe and vulnerable with someone so new is really giving this wings in my mind.

    Now, I find myself incredibly smitten in multiple avenues and this latest experience is allowing me to truly see the deeply caring side of her beyond her own passions.

    My question or thought that may warrant its own post is, how do I not mess this up?

  24. I’m happy because after 10 days in self isolation due to covid I get to see my boyfriend tomorrow.

    I worried a bit because it’s not natural for me to miss people but this time apart has made me realise how much I adore his “himness”. I haven’t craved or missed him in some mad way but realised that the space he fills is one I cherish.

    I know he’s excited to see me too. Also loads of sex.

  25. Had a really positive talk with the guy I’ve been dating about his fear of labels. I was very nervous about how to approach it and what his reaction was going to be, but he was mature, understanding, and reassuring about his feelings for me. It’s always been difficult for me to have these meta conversations but I’m glad that I did and very, very relieved it went well.

  26. I had forgotten how good it feels to connect with someone I actually connect with. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll be grateful for the experience of feeling alive in this way.

  27. Still waiting for the judge to finalize our divorce. Also have a court date at the end of this month relating to my ex wife.

    Other than that, not much is going on. Been talking to a few women online, but nothing serious. I think they are all fake anyway.

  28. I mostly convinced myself I didn’t overthink or overreact when setting boundaries

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