I have noticed something about me, when having convos with people after a good time speaking, around more than 20 mins, I begin to get disconnected from the flow and start seeming ways to finish the conversation, when I can’t easily cut it I begin to get stressed and this is something other people notice, sometimes ending up in akward silences which after I just say bye still a bit akward, this is quite frustrating since it happens with everyone I know, no matter how much im interested in them, it is like I have social exhaustion or something like that, what should I do? I am able to hold conversations but when I reach this point the stress gets the best if me and I just can’t go on.

  1. I try to think of follow-up questions to what they’ve said using Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How as applicable in the situation

  2. It’s normal to feel exhausted from prolonged conversations, and some situations are more draining than others. It must be frustrating to constantly experience that though.

    Maybe the conversations are not meaningful enough for you? Like it’s all small talk or superficial. Or that you find yourself putting more effort in the convo and accommodating the other person and they’re not doing the same for you. You are allowed to remove yourself from encounters that are not helping you.

    It sounds like the disconnected feeling is your brain’s way of wanting to get out of the social situation immediately. I suggest you don’t reach your social battery limit and wait for it to happen. Give yourself 10-15 mins; hopefully that should be enough time to gauge if the convo is draining or meaningful. That’s when you make your exit. Then you recharge and do things that you genuinely enjoy.

    If it’s not about that and more of feeling stressed and awkward, be curious with yourself. Where is the stress coming from? Does silence necessarily equate to awkwardness? It may feel uncomfortable, yes, but could it also be that you’re placing expectations on yourself?

    Do let me know if I even answered your question! Apologies for the long response

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