So she basically was never gonna say anything to me but i have felt a bit difference so i asked and after many times asking she told me that she fell out of love with me but she is getting it back lol (slowly) Im really confused to why someone would wanna be with someone they dont love lol

  1. She sounds very iffy but you haven’t provided a lot of information on the duration, and issues to cause this or much of anything else.

    Romance can be tempered by things that occur in a relationship and they have their highs and lows but any relationship require work. It’s like a flower where you have to take care of the flower nurture it, feed it and talk to it and you get the best results. If do very little you get a scraggly plant that doesn’t bloom very often.

  2. To them it’s all about familiarity and being comfortable. They don’t want to leave their comfort zone because it’s a scary world out there.

    It’s not fair for both you and her. I think it’s best to sit down and have a chat wit her or else the both of you are going to be stuck in limbo. Relationship takes a lot of work – all the highs and lows. The minute you fall out of love with someone, then I believe that’s the end of it.

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