Is there hope of a woman loving me unconditionally like a mother loves their child? Does it exist anymore? I don’t really have a lot of hope yet and I’m only 18, and I lost everyone that was “supposed” to give me love. Mother, father, romantic relationships were abusive and platonic ones always always abandon me.

I know a lot of people say find love within yourself and I am trying to do that, I have some goals I’m working towards and I’m in therapy, but there’s always a spot that can only be filled by somebody’s love and I don’t know if that’ll ever be filled.

I just want to be held and cradled which sounds dumb asf but as mature as I can be, my heart wants to just be a vulnerable child.

Is this just the reality of being men? Do I just need to accept this fact or should I leave space in my heart for somebody to come in?

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