Hey so me and my girlfriend of almost a year just started long distance. In the past she has already told me that she isn’t comfortable with the idea of me watching porn, so I ask her if she could send me any pictures that I can masturbate to. She says that she isn’t comfortable with that either. So then the next day she allows me to watch porn but tells me to keep it under maintenance and respectful, which I agree. On the same day she also agrees to send me a normal bikini picture which I manage to get off to. But then the next day she pretty much tells me that she doesn’t want me to watch porn, and doesn’t want me to masturbate to ANY pic of her either. I ask her why and she says its becuase she doesn’t feel “intimate” or “affectionate”? And that she feels used. She tells me that she only wants me to masturbate to my own thoughts. My thoughts are not very vivid so my arm will start hurting before I finish. The argument continued with her telling me "why is this such a big argument", and "your just thinking with your dick". It ended with no agreement, and I believe she is still pretty upset. What do I do?

TLDR; girlfriend dosen't want me to watch porn, but also doesn't want me to masturbate to any pictures of her either. She wants me to only use my thoughts.

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