i always have this no reaction on my face everytime my friends talk to me, it’s not tht i found their story not interesting or i hate them, it’s just tht i am like this😭😭😭wht should i do? like i can’t fake my reaction you know …

  1. Ha! Wait’ll you have kids. You’ll be faking reactions All. The. Time. Because they’ll be disappointed and you’ll have to cheer them up (even if you’re ALSO feeling disappointed along with them). You’ll get angry, and you’ll have to tone it down. They’ll do something ridiculous that will tempt you to laugh at them, and you’ll need to suppress that (at times) if it would embarrass them.

    So maybe accept the fact that we CAN calibrate our reactions and sometimes it makes a LOT of sense to do just that. (I just used kids/toddlers as an example because it’s very easy to understand.) Even at work you might be frustrated/angry and need to temper that, or show excitement for a job task that doesn’t particularly thrill you. This is just part of the job of being human.

    So, with the friends, instead of going over the top to ‘fake a reaction,’ I’d suggest working on your brain to find the story more interesting. Suppose someone is telling a somewhat boring story. The thing to do there is ask the kind of question that makes it more interesting. “So how did you FEEL when your boss said that? Were you BOILING inside?” or “What was the most FUN thing you did on the vacation?” etc.

    If you SHOW more enthusiasm, you will ironically begin to FEEL more enthusiasm.

    It’s this weird thing, but it’s true. And if you show enthusiasm for someone’s story, that will also transfer to THEM and they will get more animated too.

    Just some thoughts to chew on.

    Good luck!

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