I don't know what to do. I'm considering moving out and we just got this apartment a month ago. My parents are currently looking for a 2 bedroom apartment so I can move in with them. I live with my boyfriend (24m) and his best friend (24m who the post is about). I have been with my boyfriend for a year and 8 months and lived with him for a little over a year. I have lived with him and his bestfriend for less than a month. I have officially made the decision to go to college in the state we currently live in instead of moving to another state once our lease is done like we once planned. My boyfriend wants to convince me to still move out of state and his bestfriend is avoiding me. There are so many reasons why I don't want to move. Another one is that my relationship is rocky. I have emotional needs that constantly aren't being met. I have communicated and tried to talk with him about it but very little has changed. We have tried relationship therapy but it only made things worse and did not give us accurate tools to help each other. I want to find a different relationship therapist. I'm scared of leaving my support system (aka my family) and being stuck in a different state if my boyfriend and I break up. I know if I leave, I'll regret it. Am I doing the right thing? Should I just go to another state because that's what we all originally wanted?

TL;DR: I want to go to college and stay with family but that means ruining the plans of my boyfriend and his friends moving to another state.

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