How do you boost your self esteem? Or how do you work on it?

  1. I had very low self esteem when I was younger and even to this day, I feel like it’s a work in progress to boost my self esteem.

    I start off my day with positive affirmations… and then I do my morning workout. Taking care of my health makes me feel better about myself.

    Edited to add- During the week and some daily- I set small goals for myself. I’ve changed my outlook on things and try to be more positive. I try to also be kind to myself. I step back from situations to are harmful to my self esteem. I have a good support system of loving friends and my husband….

  2. It’s been a struggle for years but I literally look in the mirror say I love you, compliment myself, other affirmations, etc. I also take quiet time where I make 0 plans for a whole weekend, take long walks, go to bed early, eat nourishing food, full body showers, won’t go on social media, etc. Basically just tuning everything out and strengthening the relationship with myself.

  3. Ill tell you what I learned in therapy: Selfhate is a habit. The brain believes what it hears most and it hears your own thoughts more than anything else. Starting to break the habit will change how your brain reacts and thus boost selfesteem. Follow say “no this is not true, this is just my bad selfesteem talking. I am good enough” and take it from there

  4. I get in touch with my close friends. We talk and I feel so graceful with them.

    We give compliments between us time to time.

    That’s how I boost my self esteem.

  5. Started saying general positive things about my day and transitioning to positive things about myself. My self-image was so low (downright self-hatred) when I started that I literally couldn’t give myself a genuine compliment that I would take serious. Therefore self-affirmations had the opposite effect. So seeing positives about my life made it easier to connect them to myself over time. It’s still a work in progress.

  6. it’s so hard bc i hv terrible self esteem but i try reminding myself of my positive traits and the positive influence i make on ppls lives. can be so hard sometimes 🥲 but try to make a list to come back to if u hv to

  7. I made a list with three columns 1. Things I like about myself. 2. Things I don’t like about myself but can change and the wrote how I could change it. 3. Things I don’t like about myself and can’t change. I started working on column 2. After a while I had moved most things in column 2 to column 1. And I even managed to get rid of a lot of things on column three. It made me feel like a whole person. It was a reminder to myself to feel sad that day and being able to go back to that list and see how amazing I am

  8. Boost my self esteem

    1. Made a playlist with feel good music/women empowerment songs that I play in the morning getting ready for work (flawless by Beyoncé, good morning gorgeous by Mary J. Blige)

    2. My night time routine before bed – shower, cute pajamas set, light a candle, read a book

    3. Daily gratitude – I write 3 to 5 things before I even get out of bed everyday

    4. Affirmations – I AM app (it’s worth it) or third eye thoughts

    5. Loving myself – getting my hair, mani and pedi done

    6. Clothes

    At the end of the day your life is a your own movie. You are the main character. How do you want to show up for yourself everyday?

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