I am 27M and I have this group of friends I play games with (5 people). I'm close with only 1 of them, but I enjoy my time whenever I play with them. I'm not the most "hype" person in the sense that some of the people there are good at making jokes that liven up the group, so I might not be the most memorable or fun person to play with, but I am usually pretty chill and knowledgeable about the game mechanics.

The problem is when that 1 friend plays a game I like with this group without inviting me, I feel left out or betrayed. There was this one time where he invited me to play Baldur's Gate, and after purchasing the game, it turns out that the group was already full and I was left out. He didn't even apologize, and after they the first playthrough, I still wasn't invited. I just thought that with the consideration of my having purchased the game, he would at least allocate some time to play with me, maybe with 2 others. I eventually told myself that yeah this is a tricky situation because there are 5 people in total, and Baldur's only supports 4 players
But even with other games like fps games which need 5 people, I was still not invited (prolly because they communicate in the group and I wasn't in it). I eventually distanced myself from the group to avoid feeling left out again. And it worked out pretty well.

Recently though, this one friend invited me to play Elden Ring and 3 of us just finished our first playthrough. Soon after, they played other games that required 5 people again without inviting me. Again, I feel left out and just confused: why am I left out?

I feel like I have an attachment issue or something, but when I distanced myself from the group, it worked out well got me. But as soon as I was invited to game together again, I guess I just have this expectation to game together in the future and be verbally invited whenever they're up for a gaming session, but I just wasn't. This leaves me disappointed and feeling left out, making me want to distance myself again. Any thoughts on this?

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