19F in England here, i’ve had social anxiety all my life, but at the same time i’ve developed a performative face for people i’m unfamiliar with, but the problem i have isn’t with acquaintances.

I have my own group of friends, and my boyfriend’s group of mates. and i always notice that in both of these situations, I tend to get ignored/talked over.

i’ve tried googling why, but everything google came up with are things i already do (speak louder and clearer, look for a break in conversation to make your point, make your comment relevant etc) i do literally all of it. but somehow i still feel invisible, even my own boyfriend does it (when we’re out drinking and he’s getting more drunk) and he doesn’t notice it.

i care less with his mates because they’re literally his friends not mine, but still, it would be nice to not feel so invisible. it’s the fact it happens with my own friends.

fun little thing me and him noticed: my friends are a group of lads who i’ve known since the start of high school or college, one of them since nursery. so they’ve known me for YEARSSS, anyways, i invite my boyfriend out with them, and all of a sudden it’s like i don’t exist. they had only just met the guy that day but were asking for HIS opinion on where we should go next, what his thoughts on XY and Z were, and if i tried to make a comment, it just seemingly faded into the void unheard.

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