So, I recently reconnected with an ex-situationship who just moved back to my city (UK) after we are separated for 1 year. We had a pretty intense connection in the past, but we took a break during the long distance because we felt that the communication wasn’t working. Now that he’s back, we’ve been hanging out, and it’s clear that we still have mutual feelings for each other.

Here’s the thing—i asked him if he still has feelings for me, he said yes and that he really likes me, but he’s also unsure about jumping into a relationship right now. He’s been through a rough breakup before, and with his recent move and adjusting to life in a new country, he wants to take things slowly. In addition to the complexities, he is also unsure of his plans to stay long term in my city.

I’m at a crossroads. Should I wait and see where things go with him, even though I’m unsure if it’s the right choice?
Or should I prioritize my own well-being and consider moving on, even though we still have feelings for each other?
and is this actually a red flag? please enlighten me!

Any advice or similar experiences would be really appreciated!

TL;DR: I recently reconnected with an ex who’s back in my city after living abroad. We have mutual feelings, but he’s unsure about committing due to past breakup, adjusting to a new city, and his long term plan to stay in my city. Should I wait and see where things go with him or move on for my own well-being?

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