And was it worth it?

  1. Moved across the country. It was worth it. I’ve learned a hell of a lot about myself and and am now figuring out stuff that was easy to overlook or distract myself from things that I thought I could just live with forever. I thought I was a lot more content in a lot of areas of my life because I’m an upbeat person by nature and try to see the best in most situations, but I see now I have a few things to figure out in order to really know what happiness could look like for me. I couldn’t tell you the last time I was truly selfish. I’ve always been a people pleaser that is afraid of hurting the feelings of any and all and really thought I’d be okay with that. I’ve realized how short life is. I’m not unhappy by any means, but yeah no distractions will open your eyes.

  2. Moved to a different country by myself. Terrifying at the time, but the best choice I’ve ever made.

  3. Quit my job, cash in my retirement and start a business.

    Totally worth it.

  4. Packed my stuff, blocked everyone from my life and disappeared with my other half.

    Can say, hands down the hardest thing in my life and best decision I’ve ever made.

    Also, having a heart attack and giving up. I closed my eyes knowing I was totally spent, even to breathe in and out.
    To actually know in my brain that I was too exhausted to keep breathing, hardest thing ever.

    0/10. Dont recommend

  5. My friend was told he would never hold a job. (Anxiety and Stress disorder) to the point he also had agrophobia.

    He got a job. Totally worth it.

  6. Moved to China. It was the best thing I’d ever done as I’d lived such a sheltered life before that. Truly changed me as a person.

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