Hey. I [29M] have gone on 3 dates with a wonderful girl [26F] over the last few weeks. We get along great, have a lot of similar interests and morals, and we have been sexually intimate.

She has a big exam this coming Friday and I'd like to get her a "congratulations for finishing the exam" type gift for Friday evening. She mentioned to me her favorite donut place and told me that she hasn't gotten any donuts from there in months and is really craving them.

I was going to use Uber Eats to deliver a 6 pack of her favorite donuts on Friday night for her and her roommate to share (6 is the lowest # they sell). The total (including delivery and tip) will be ~$25 USD. I'd love to take her there in person, but I'm not free Friday evening and she has weekend plans already.

I think that she will really appreciate this, but I just want to gauge whether anyone thinks this might come off as "too strong." Thanks.

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