Okay, first I need to give a little backstory. My (M17) girlfriend (F17), who I’ve been with for over a year now, recently went to this week-long internship program in a different state. She kind of just stopped texting me while she was there, which I understood because she was super busy doing lots of things. But even when she got back, things were different. She would reply to me way later than usual, and she couldn’t hang out or talk as much anymore. When we did talk, it was kind of awkward. I just had this really bad gut feeling, so I tried talking to her about it.

She told me she was sorry things have been different recently, and that we were good and I shouldn't worry. So I took her word for it, and things continued like this for maybe a week. Some days would be better, and others would still be kind of awkward. I asked her about it again. I told her that the gut feeling hadn’t left and that things still felt different, like something changed or happened while she was gone, and everything is just different now.

Then she said that she had to tell me something. I asked her what it was, and she said that while she was doing things for her internship, she ended up meeting this guy that she interviewed. She had to give him her number so they could follow up about the on-street interview or something. She told me that after she gave him her number, he kept texting her and hitting on her, saying some really inappropriate things for days. She started crying while she was telling me, saying that she was sorry for not telling me about it, and that she didn’t cheat and never would. I told her that I believed her and knew she wouldn’t. She said she didn’t tell me at first because she thought I’d get mad at her, and I told her that I wasn’t mad and had never been mad at her.

But I did ask about the guy and what his number was because of all that stuff he said. I wanted to tell him to leave her alone and to not text her again. Then she started getting mad at me for wanting to text him, and she was like begging me not to. I have no idea why, but she really didn’t want me to text him. She told me that she already blocked him and that it didn’t matter anymore, but I still wanted to text him. This started an argument where she was telling me not to text him because I’d just make things worse. So, she didn’t end up giving me his number, and now she’s mad at me, and I don’t understand why.

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