What kinds of things do you do when your spouse is gone for a few days?

  1. Eat and cook less! He always wants to eat so much. I’m generally a 2 smaller meals and a snack kind of person…he always wants 3 huge meals and multiple snacks.

  2. Watch Disney movies, eat my favourite snacks (without him stealing some 😊), spoil myself with face masks, hair masks, foot masks etc if I am not working those days and read a great book cover to cover.

  3. Eat more of the foods he doesn’t prefer (I usually eat them anyway but it can be a pain to make 2 meals). Watch dramas and ‘quiet movies ‘ that put him to sleep. Tell myself I’ll go to bed early and stay up until 1 am

  4. Binge tv shows and movies he wouldn’t be interested in and order take out from my favorite places, go to the nail salon, take over the entire bed

  5. Stay up as late as I want and watch whatever I want. Keep the AC temp higher so I am not freezing. Eat frozen dinners. Hang out all day on my porch and just read. Blissful

  6. Sleep whenever I want, without setting an alarm. Eat things he doesn’t like or hates the smell of.

  7. Im gald i haven’t seen the sexual coments here yet. Once my friend told me she couldn’t wait for her boyfriend to leave(on deployment) so she could use her toys because he didn’t pleasure her much.

  8. My boyfriend isn’t absent entirely but working long hours on nights, there isn’t anything special I do while he’s away other than taking over the entire bed.

  9. Eat lots of single-serving frozen meals and snack foods I normally don’t bother with instead of actual TV, watch loud TV while doing chores that take over large sections of the house, masturbate a bunch. Basically revert to my college self.

  10. Clean stuff. It’s much easier to make myself do it when no one’s around.

  11. Order takeout and eat it while I watch all my favorite shows.

    Start missing him within 1 day.

  12. Frantically clean then entire house for half a day, do all the washing and then laze around in my clean house eating snacks and watching the trashiest stuff I can find. I then go to bed and watch TV in bed without my earbuds in and sleep in the middle of our kind sized bed

  13. I eat a lot of salmon (he hates it) and probably clean, to hopefully make the time go quicker!

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