Got some good news you want to share?

  1. Haven’t dated in 8 years but I’m going all in. Moving into the city next week – upscale bachelor pad with a longtime buddy, excellent walk score, ground zero for educated women, walking distance to much of my friend network. We’re gonna run a tight ship. I’m feeling Criterion collection screenings, supper club, weekend hiking group, the works. Already have all the best bougie meal/drink spots picked out and I’m conjuring up homegrown organic produce for some late summer Italian & Indian cooking. Been crushing my fitness, fashion, and grooming lately too. It’s gonna be all Spiderman 3 in this bitch.

  2. Good late night text convo with a guy. 😌 Feel inspired. Meaningful convos energize me. Needed that.

  3. So my FWB (31M) seems to have contracted mono from the 23F he hooked up with last Friday. Thankfully when we saw each other on Saturday nothing happened. He’s having fevers, sore throat and has a rash. I offered to go get him meds, or take him to the doctor, since his car is not working at the moment. He chose to wait it out, we’ll see how it goes.

    In other news, got a date lined up for this coming Sunday. 33M and I have been chatting and exchanging voice messages for a couple of weeks, he seems fun and he is really cute. He lives about one hour away. I’m not used to dating long distance – yes, one hour away in my country is considered long distance, I had this conversation with an american last year and she was appalled because she’s used to driving 10+ hours to visit family, and here anything over one hour is outrageous. I keep thinking about the logistics since I like to be near proximity of the person I date. But it’s been effortless and I’m trying not to have high hopes. Fingers crossed!

  4. Had a lovely time with a woman last night. We went for a hike and then made supper together. She and I hung out last week and we flirted a bunch and held hands but didn’t get the chance to actually talk about what we were doing.

    Last night we kept up the flirting and I addressed the elephant in the room and we’re on the same page about wanting to explore dating and we both ultimately want a long term relationship. Then spent some nice time cuddling after supper and today I’m 🥰🥰

  5. Why do women so very rarely make the first move in online dating apps? I’ve had 17 new matches on hinge over the past two weeks, and I’ve decided to see if any of them will message first. None have. Gender roles is 100% a thing in dating.

  6. I got my license back and drove last night! (A year earlier than I had thought, since I’ve been a good girl) 😁 I hadn’t been able to drive for over a year. Huge in terms of me being able to meet people and go do hobbies and meet ups and things!!!

    Heading to the WA coast for the long weekend + my bday on Friday w/my mom, so looking forward to that.

    One of my managers brought in cupcakes for the office for an early bday for me since most people WFH on Fridays and she wanted people to be able to celebrate. Was not expecting that at all! So lovely.

  7. I dare say I think I might have found someone where it all actually feels.. easy?

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