How do you not care about what people think about you?

I’m aware caring what people think isn’t a good thing and it is infinitely better to not care and just be yourself.

But I find it so hard putting it into practice, always at the back of my mind I’m worrying what people’s perception of me will be? How do I stop this?

  1. I feel the exact same way as you do, and it is eating me up! Especially the anxiety, fear of being laughed at, and not being liked.

    So thank you for bringing it up🫶🏼

    Just by reading this post I already like you, cause I know how it feels and how stuck my mind can be in these situations.

    Hoping others have some tips for you, me and everyone else in the same situation.

  2. Oh it took me long, but i realized it is very easy. No matter what you do, nobody cares. They always talk shit about you. When you are poor they make fun of you, when you are rich “you dont deserve this”. even your friends are like that. The only person that really knows what you have gone through, and the only person that cares about it, is yourself. Watch what you think about yourself, and dont give a shit of the opinion of other people. even your friends try to keep you small, so you wont leave them.

  3. I tend to shutdown, zone out, go mute and go to my own world in my head 🙈 not sure if this is the right thing to do but it helps me

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