tl;dr: boyfriend has changed his mind on marriage, but i just moved in today and started our 1-year lease on the apartment. what to do or think?

my boyfriend (M, 21) and i (F, 21) have been together for 3.5 years. i’ve always been very clear about my wish to get married one day, not today or tomorrow, but just some day. i can’t imagine starting a family or taking out a loan with someone i’m not married to, i just don’t want that kind of life.

for most of our relationship, my boyfriend has signaled similar wishes. sure, he hasn’t felt as strongly about it as me, but he’s expressed and talked about wanting to get married before. so today, when i finally moved in with him, i was surprised to accidentally find out he doesn’t see himself ever getting married. i was taken aback and now i’m stressed out, cause we just signed a 1-year lease on the apartment, but i can’t see myself being with someone i’m not on the same page with when it comes to such major themes. i’m honestly lost, i can’t just move out right now, but being in the relationship also feels like a waste of my time if it’s not gonna lead anywhere. i’m not gonna expect and wait for his mind to change, but how do i get out of this situation right now? i feel like i have very limited choices. i’m considering living with him for a year anyways, see how it goes, and ask him again before we renew our lease. if he’s kept his opinion, i won’t continue with the lease and move out.

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