I’m 30M and I’ve always struggled with anxiety around sex and relationships. It’s really hard for me not only to approach women and make a move but also to talk about it with my friends (even writing this makes me kinda anxious). So historically I’ve not really had people to go to about my struggles or to ask for advice etc. I’m in therapy now and I’ve made a lot of progress on the anxiety front but I still don’t really know how to actually meet people.

I’m not looking for advice on managing my anxiety, I pay good money to my therapist for that, and she’s great. I’m looking for strategies and tactics for meeting people and starting relationships. Things like places to go, groups to join, ways of starting a conversation etc. I’m a very sociable and outgoing guy, and people seem to think I’m attractive and funny, I just get in my own way a lot and feel like I don’t know what to do or where to start.

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