So yesterday my boyfriend (33m) and I (31f) went to a wedding reception. He then starts asking me questions about marriage etc stating clearly “I’d marry you” then talking about proposing and timeframes etc. We’ve been together nearly 3 years now.
This morning he got up early to go and sell some brand new car tyres (had to meet someone half way). Normally on Sundays we go with our dog to spend time with his daughter (5f).
I was under the impression that he’d go early to sell the tyres, then come back and we’d all go see his daughter. I get a voice note on WhatsApp saying “I’ve just gone straight there”. So this shocked me and I was upset. So I said I do actually enjoy spending time with his family and daughter. He then said to get in his car (which is technically sold, just waiting to be picked up) and drive an hour to meet him at his parents house with his daughter. I told him I didn’t want to do that because as he had decided to go without me it felt like I would be intruding.
In the UK tomorrow (Monday) is a bank holiday meaning we don’t go to work. You can work if you want to but normally we don’t. We had both agreed that Monday would be a day for us to chill and spend some time together, just us, as we haven’t had much time lately because of work.
He has just told me (4pm) that he’s now taking his daughter out with his family to a zoo.

After all the mixed signals I’m just feeling really down about everything. Am I being an AH for being upset?

TL;DR – partner spent whole evening talking about marriage and timeframes for proposing then next morning woke up, completely binned our plans and then made plans the following day with his family which was going to be an “us” day.

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