Important to note, we live in Hungary!

My father-in-law had a severe stroke about a week ago, and although we weren’t given much hope, he regained consciousness the next day. He is alert but is on a medical ventilator (I think that’s the correct term), so he can’t speak, and his right side is paralyzed. However, so far, no doctor has given us much hope or good news.

Since then, his condition hasn’t changed much. Out of curiosity and to be prepared, we’ve started looking into our options for future housing when he gets better, but the situation doesn’t look too promising. His own house has too many stairs, and we live on the second floor. Additionally, he would require constant supervision. Therefore, he needs a level of care that we cannot provide either in our home or his.

The selection of residential care homes is not great to begin with, and if it is good, it’s very expensive. In our country, inpatient care has been almost entirely eliminated, and many public hospitals are on the brink of collapse.

We are afraid that if his condition doesn’t improve the way they would want it to, they might discharge him and tell us to manage as we can, based on a similar case we read about in a local Reddit post.

I used a bit of ChatGPT and Google Translate to translate my text because I’m tired and there were some medical terms I wasn’t familiar with. I hope it worked. 🙂

So, I’m curious: is this better managed in other countries? Are we alone with this inadequate system?

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