I am in a relationship with her for now 2 and a half years and we both were happy or, i thought so we were. Cause she told me that she has to pretend in front of me about everything her happiness to her love. All of this, because she wants to have sex with me. She was with me only for sex. She didn't loved me or cared about me. The moment I heard this i told her to go away and never talk to me ever again.

I am heartbroken cause i love her a lot. But, i don't want to live with someone who pretends to be happy with me or pretends to be worried about me.

Just last month i went through a hell of a fever for like 20 days i was sick and had a very high fever. I told her to come over yo help me instead she gave me an excuse that she had to go out of town for office work and i had to ask my mom to flew half the world to come and take care of me. Lucky for me, her brother told me that she went for a vacation with her friends and stayed over at friends place for dew days. I confronted her about it and it all leads to this big argument in which she says, why would i come over to help you when you can't give me what i want.

After asking her again and again she says she is with me cause of sex. Last Thursday i ended everything with her. I have no Idea what to do all i do these days is cry or get angry. I need some help to yake my mind off from these emotions.

Also it would be big help to know what you people think. I have no friends and no one to talk i can't talk about it with my mother.

She told me all this time she was pretending to love me or care about me all she cared was about having sex with me. I broke up with her learning that she was pretending to love me and have no feelings for me only desires to sleep with me. I need some help to calm myself and how should i go through this tough times.

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