I’ve been talking to someone for months and feel I should just go hang out with them finally. Have no online dating experience and got out of a long relationship awhile ago. I’m nervous and maybe a bit self conscious lately but really have been craving sex and wanting to with someone new..

If I hang out with them I’m pretty sure I’ll end up having sex. I’m not really experienced and after being with the same person so long I’m nervous.

I was thinking I’d have a drink or two, but I often avoid alcohol bc makes me feel shitty lol. I love smoking and he’s a smoker, but I don’t know if I’d just get anxiety with someone I don’t know well then having sex with since weed can do that?? Not sure how much it would help with nerves

Do you usually have some alcohol before having sex with someone new? What about weed, would you be anxious around someone you’re just meeting? Or u just stay sober? Lol

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