My GF 21F of 4 years broke up with me 21M yesterday after we did 2 months of very less talking due to her exams. Yesterday they ended and she told me she can’t date anymore, she sees me making all the efforts and she feels guilty about it. Said I’m not there for her in ways I should be( not that it’s wrong but she said, she’s not okay with that ). I didn’t see this coming at alll, 4 years down the drain in one evening. I thought I was going to die with this girl and she treated me like a stranger yesterday. I don’t want anything but her right now. I can’t get out of bed I can’t do anything.


Firstly, Thank you so much everyone, i feel blessed to hear from so many people about something only concerns me, also love the fact that I got advice from people in their 20’s,30’s,40’s all at the same time. It’s also crazy how I have not told anyone other than reddit up until now about the breakup. Anyways it’s the new reality and yu gotta do what yu gotta dooooooo…. 🙏

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