two years ago he confessed he has had a crush on me for around FOUR YEARS (aka when we first met) and i REJECTED HIM because i wasn’t in the place for a relationship after previous abuse and also despite me also having feelings for him, he was too important to risk losing if we broke up. so he started dating this new girl like 3 months later and they’ve been dating for almost 2 years now.

when they started going out i got embarrassingly jealous and started going out with this guy, of which my best friend hated but put up with him for me. it was a rlly shitty relationship and he was awful to me and about half a year into the relationship i couldn’t stop thinking about my best friend romantically and developed feeling again.

a week before i broke up with my bf i got drunk at a party and my best friend was there and we talked for the entire night and i confessed that i had a crush on him 2 years ago and he was speechless.

now it’s been about a month since i broke up with my bf and now i feel free and amazing and i can’t get my best friend out of my head, he offered to trade my stuff with my ex bf by himself which was so sweet and then we went out to do some window shopping and i felt such a strong spark i didn’t know what to do with my self, he complimented my appearance but kinda in like an awkward way which he never does (cuz he has gf ofc) and we had such a great time we couldn’t stop laughing and we were so physically close to each other.

he’s been calling me everyday since i broke up with my ex and i don’t want to think he has feelings for me because he has a gf who i love very much she’s one of my closest friends but i can’t help it.

i’m obviously not going to try anything because he has a gf.

they’re about to go long distance which i don’t think will go well since they’re already quite rocky right now since they argue quite often and have poor communication skills. our other friends also secretly think they won’t last.

we are about to go to university and my best friend last minute decided to go to the uni im going to. he was talking about this domestic life of making each other lunch and cooking each other dinner and spending all our time together filled with late nights and shopping and going places like the beach for the weekend and going to the gym everyday together?? like how is the way he’s talking about the future supposed to end up platonic given our history 😭😭

also why is he going to MY university instead of his GFs university???????????? her university is better in every way and he has the grades to go and is closer to his home, but mine only requires quite mediocre grades and he’s never been to the city before so????

i’m just wondering if you suspect he feels the same way? because it would clear a lot of things up lol

tl;dr feelings for best friend (with romantic past) who has been acting weird recently (planning a future in uni with me very in it and sparks) but he has a gf (but is a bit rocky)

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