Sorry for the long rant

So my husband has a very well paid job in a niche industry where jobs don't come up very often. About a year he moved to a different type of role in a company where a good friend works.

Financially it was a good move but mental health wise it's been terrible. He and his friend (who is now his boss) are constantly clashing and he doesn't enjoy the type of work he's doing.

He applied for a job recently and got into the final two but missed out. It's unlikely in our small city in this economy that any new jobs at the same level will come up soon.

He's constantly complaining he hates his job and keeps saying he wants to quit or giving a timeline of "I'm quitting in two months"

I am constantly freaking out that he will come home one day and tell me he's quitting. We bought a bigger house when he got the job because he said he needed more space and after paying off our old mortgage now have one I couldn't pay on my own.

I do work part-time and could do more days and we have enough savings to last us more than 6 months even without my salary but it would mean dramatic cutbacks.

My husband doesn't believe it's my call whether he stays or goes but we've built a lot of our life around his job, I've moved for him (quitting jobs I liked along the way) I do everything at home during the week and am the default parent for everything because he's always busy or needs to relax.

I don't understand why he can't just suck it up and make it work while he looks for something else. I've stayed in jobs I hated before. It's not great but you do what you need to do.

It feels like he's looking for a reason to quit and not work for a while. But I think he has rose coloured glasses on. He'll enjoy it for 3 months then get bored, get tired of a tight budget and taking care of the house. He'll get depressed at not being able to find a similarly senior and well paid role and will end up in a worse place than we are now.

I honestly don't know what to do, I'm so stressed all the time about this and it feels like there's nothing I can do.

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