I'm a bisexual man in a polyamorous relationship. My boyfriend is asexual but does desire sex on occasion. I'm on the low end of sexual desires, but I do want it definitely more than my boyfriend. And we're polyamorous so I have options.

Right now though, I don't have other partners and because of some life stuff, I'm not really looking at the moment. I'm fine at the moment with just masturbation.

The issue is, while I am sexually desiring right now, I don't know what I want. I seem to go through fazes of more desire for women or men. But, right now, I don't know if I want to fantasize about another dick or a vagina… I'm horny, but I don't know what for!

I'm curious if anyone else has ever felt this way? And if so, any tips?

Also, I do desire intimate, emotional sex, even with friends with benefits. But my emotional sex drive has kinda been unsteady lately because of loss of a wonderful partner. I WANT to fantasize about intimate sex, but it's been difficult lately with the loss of one of my partners (maybe with them again in the future, but who knows). I know this is an influence to my undecided current self so I thought I'd add it in.

I'm horny, I wanna get off, but I feel emotionally lost when I try to at the moment

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